so this is just happened just now. my aunty came back from Australia last week, and she bought us some snack from there. then, my bro go eat ALL of them. just now I saw the packet in the rubbish bin, and I asked him, he said he didn't eat all, so I go and have a look what he left for me.
additional: he said he ate ALL because he was hungry this morning. FOR FK SAKE IF HUNGRY GO FKING EAT THE DAMN BREAKFAST LA! and even the breakfast this morning, my mum cooked mushroom soup, he left for me like only half bowl of mushroom soup, and that is those damn small size of bowl.

so this is so called "didn't eat all". I'm not like so like to eat the snacks until I'm so pissed, it's that he fking selfish only think of himself and never even think of sharing it. if normally I'm the one that start to eat first, I will at least leave 60% there, and see if he wants to eat or not, then only I will continue to finish it. but him? he just don't fking bother. yeah I'm not gonna post this on facebook or what because I don't wanna make this like some big issue or being like some attention seeker/famous-wannabe people. no one really read my blog anyway, just for me to release my anger.
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